Fees and Payment Information

Payment arrangements are made on an individual basis and are at our discretion. Insurance reimbursement is possible in some circumstances.  We do not have in-network contracts with any insurance or Medicaid; however, labs and ultrasounds can be billed through insurance if you have maternity coverage. We do not submit claims to insurance companies. We will provide an invoice with the information that you need to submit a claim to your insurance company including procedure codes, our EIN, and our NPI.


Our full fee is $8,000 and includes:


●       Prenatal appointments at one of our locations (Ft. Myers or North Ft. Myers) to be scheduled every 4 weeks from 12-28 weeks, every 2 weeks from 28-36 weeks, and weekly from 36 weeks until you give birth. We will do a home visit at 36 weeks.

●       24/7 availability for questions or concerns from 37 weeks of pregnancy up to 6 weeks postpartum

●       Labor, birth, and immediate postpartum care

●       1 postpartum checkup (in your home) 24-48 hours after your birth, 1- 2 weeks and 6 weeks (at our location)

●       Ultrasound referral, if desired or indicated

●       Obstetrician consultation and prescriptions, if necessary, by our collaborating physician for the entirety of pregnancy and postpartum period.

●       Newborn metabolic screening (free in Florida) and birth certificate completed  

●       A birth assistant if necessary


It does not include:


●       Lab work, normally can be billed to insurance

●       Birth supply kit, additional water birth supplies (we loan birth tubs free of charge, but they will need to be replaced if damaged or if birth occurs without a liner inserted)

●       Your prenatal vitamin to be taken daily throughout pregnancy, and any other supplements you may need (we will recommend as necessary)

●       Ultrasounds, other consultations, or tests

●       RhoGam immunoglobulin injection (needed for negative blood types only)

●       Vitamin K- injectable or oral

Phone consultations are free.  A nonrefundable payment of $1,000 towards the full fee is due at the Initial prenatal appointment, $500 at each additional appointment with a total of $4,000 due by 20 weeks and the remainder of the $8,000 paid in full by 36 weeks.

Refund Policy: If your care is transferred for any reason prior to 36 weeks, we will offer a refund for the amount you already paid, minus $1,000 for the Initial prenatal appt and $500 per prenatal appointment after the initial. Refunds are unavailable after 36 weeks, regardless of the location and outcome of the birth, except for:

-         Your unopened birth kit and tub liner: We will purchase from you at full cost.


"Women's strongest feelings in terms of their birthings, positive and negative, focus on the way they were treated by their caregivers" ~Annie Kennedy & Penny Simkin